Distinguished Rector Papaioannou,

We are sending you the invitation to the IEEE NTC International Summer School on Nanotechnology “Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies for Advanced Energy Systems”, between 20 and 24 September, 2021, that shall be organized by the Institute for Nanotechnologies and Alternative Sources of Energy, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania.

The topic of the summer school is the holistic approach in developing “safe-by-design” advanced energy systems integrating nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for performance improvement, reduction of environmental impact and the substitution of critical materials. The advanced energy systems are referring to fuel cells, thermoelectric convertors, hybrid solar panels and electro-opto-chemical reactors.

We shall be grateful if you will accept to forward this invitation internally within your university and within the networks and communities in which your university is active, particularly to researchers, professors and students that might be interested to participate in this event.

The concept of the event can be accessed at the following link:


The registration may be done online at the link here.

More information can be found on the official website of the event:


For any further detail, the entire team of the Black Sea Universities Network – International Permanent Secretariat remains at your disposal!

Prof. Dr. Eden MAMUT

Secretary General
Black Sea Universities Network