Samara-Konstantinou Constantini
Professor Emeritus
Environmental Pollution Control LaboratoryAristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Sciences,
School of Chemistry
54124, Thessaloniki
- Studies in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Ph.D. in Chemistry
- Current position: Professor of Environmental Chemistry
- Editor of the Journal Environmental Science & Pollution Research-(ESPR) in the field «Atmospheric Processes and Air Pollution”
- Head of the Laboratory “Environmental Pollution Control, Atmospheric Particles Measurements Team)” accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for sampling and gravimetric determination of PM10 & PM2.5
- Undergraduate program of the Department of Chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry
- Environmental Pollution Control
- Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection
- Quality Assurance in Environmental Control & Management
- Postgraduate Programme of the Department of Chemistry on “Quality Control and Management of the Environment”
- Chemistry and Pollution Control of the Atmospheric Environment
- Methods for Environmental Analysis
- Pollution Control and Management of Water and Wastes
- Quality of Environmental Measurements-Quality Management Systems
- Postgraduate Programme of the Departments of Chemistry (leader), Physics and Geology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Department of Ecclesiastical Relics Management of the Supreme Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki on “Physical & Chemical Methods for Diagnosis of Deterioration of Cultural Heritage Materials”
- Mechanisms of deterioration of Cultural Heritage Materials -Environmental Factors of Deterioration
- Analysis of air pollution parameters affecting cultural heritage
- Airborne particulate matter
- Chemical characterization of airborne particulate matter
- Size distribution of particle mass and number concentrations
- Source apportionment using receptor models
- Deposition in the HRT
- Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) & Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
- Occurrence in the ambient air (PAHs, PCBs, OCPs, PBDEs, PEs, etc)
- Gas-to-particle partitioning
- Size distribution of particle phase SVOCs & POPs
- Wet and dry deposition
- Occurrence in indoor dust
- Human exposure and health risk assessment
- Toxicological characterization of airborne particulates
- Redox activity (DTT assay)
- Carcinogenic/Mutagenic activity
- Bioaccessibility of toxic components
- Ecotoxicity
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- Occurrence in the ambient air and the surroundings of industrial facilities
- Odor-active VOCs