Fylaktakidou Konstantina

Fylaktakidou Konstantina


Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Sciences,
School of Chemistry
54124, Thessaloniki

Prof. Fylaktakidou has a PhD in Organic Chemistry from Chemistry Dept. AUTH (Prof. D. N. Nicolaides). She has Post-Doc experience in total synthesis of natural products (Prof. KC Nicolaou, USA), and in medicinal chemistry of polar molecules and salts and supramolecular chemistry (Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Prize Laureate, France) for 4 and 2 years, respectively.

She is a Full Professor at the Chemistry Department of AUTH and for 17 years she was a faculty member at the Molecular Biology and Genetics Department in Alexandroupolis, DUTH.

Her research focuses on the synthesis of biologically active compounds with emphasis in photo-sensitization, Green Chemistry and Chemical Biology. She is (co)author of 56 publications in peer reviewed journals with IF~ 4.6, hetero-citations ~2350 and h-index 25 (April 2021, Scopus).


  • Laboratory of Organic Chemisty Ι
  • Organic Chemistry ΙΙ
  • Chemistry of Organic Compounds


  • Synthesis of biologically active compounds with emphasis in applications of photo-sensitization
  • Green Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Photo-sensitizers are compounds that absorb light of various wavelengths. They show applications in medicine, environmental chemistry, organic synthesis etc. DNA photo-cleavers are used in anti-cancer and anti-microbial photo-therapies.

Our team studies novel DNA photo-cleavers of the oxime carboxylate, sulfonate and carbamate frame.

Additionally, we are interested in photoreactive quinazolin(on)e privileged structures, emphasizing in green synthesis and in designing of substrates that coordinate with metals. The ability of the compounds to act as bio-imaging tools is also investigated.