Tsimidou Maria

Tsimidou Maria

Professor Emeritus

Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Sciences,
School of Chemistry
54124, Thessaloniki

Maria Z. Tsimidou (tsimidou@chem.auth.gr)  is a full Professor of Food Chemistry at the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology, School of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece She is a Food Chemist (Chemistry Dept, AUTH, Reading Univ) and has a professional career of 44 years (1977-).

Her teaching is food chemistry, analysis, quality control, and food legislation. Her research interests are related to virgin olive oil chemistry, quality and authenticity, saffron chemistry, authenticity and quality, antioxidant activity of plant extracts and constituents, new sources of targeted bioactive compounds (squalene, carotenoids, and phenols), and analytical procedures for their determination.

She supervised many post doctorate research projects, PhD, MSc and undergraduate theses, and served as an internal or external examiner of theses and research projects in Greece and abroad. She has published >200 research papers, review articles, and contributions to scientific books and encyclopedias, served as editor to special publications on the above-mentioned topics and participates in relevant projects funded by national and European sources.

She held several duties as expert in food chemistry, olive oil, table olives and saffron and serves as a member of different evaluation bodies. She was Head of the Laboratory of Chemistry and Technology for 9 years (2011-20), Head of the Supreme Chemical Council (2010-12), Chair of the COST ACTION Saffronomics; Executive Editor in European Journal of Lipid Science Technology (2015-19), Advisory Board member in different journals (Gracas y Aceites, Italian Journal of Food Science and Technology, Molecules), Scientific Responsible for the Greek METROFOOD RI node. Ongoing H2020 projects OLEUM, FNS Cloud, METROFOOD-PP; other current projects Participation to the National Roadmap project PLANTUP and research activities for upgrading of Greek flora and valorization of food products and by products; AROMAdistil (Research-Innovation action).Guest Editor of the special issue on PDO and and PGI products of the olive tree (EJLST, 2019) and Special issue: Olive oil (EJLST, 2017) https://ikee.lib.auth.gr/search?cc=School+of+Chemistry&ln=el&jrec=51&p=Tsimidou%2C+Maria&f=author


  • Food Chemistry
  • Food Analysis
  • Food Quality Managment


Οlive Tree products

  • Chemistry
  • Technology
  • Quality control
  • New products development

Spices and other natural products (saffron, oregano, bay laurel etc)

  • Chemistry
  • Technology
  • Quality control
  • New products development
  • Natural antioxidants and preservatives