Dr. Sotiris Evgenidis (Chemist, MSc, PhD) is a post-doctoral fellow in the Lab of Chemical and Environmental Technology of School of Chemistry, AUTH., Greece). His research interests include: a) Theoretical and experimental study of multiphase systems, b) Transport phenomena under varying gravity conditions (0-20 g), c) Wetting of solid surfaces, d) Application of electrical impedance measurements for the diagnosis of Decompression Sickness and Coronary Artery Disease. He is holder of 2 European patents, has published 25 publications in peer reviewed journals and participated at 50 international conferences. Additionally, Dr. S. Evgenidis has participated in 12 European research projects (10 of which funded by European Space Agency-ESA) and also in the organizing committee of 5 international conferences. Finally, he has been awarded by ESA and NASA for his research under non-terrestrial conditions (micro-gravity and hyper-gravity) and successful technology transfer from space to ground applications.
- Lab courses of Chemical Technology
- Lab courses of Physical Processes
Two-phase (gas-liquid) flows
- Void fraction and bubble size/velocity measurement
- Application of Electrical Resistance Tomography, Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy, optical/pressure/acoustic diagnostics
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Use of Newtonian/non-Newtonian test liquids resembling blood physical properties
Wettability of surfaces
- Prototype centrifugal device for studying the wettability of solid surfaces covered with biofilms, coatings or dyes.
- 3-D reconstruction of droplet geometry by merging peripheral droplet images through a software.
Medical diagnostic techniques for blood circulation
- Development of medical diagnostic devices for blood circulation assessment in human body.
- Application of an innovative electrical impedance spectroscopy technique with high sensitivity and accuracy.
- Diagnosis of coronary disease and decompression sickness (astronauts, divers, metro workers).