Sotiropoulos Sotiris
Physical Chemistry LaboratoryAristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Sciences,
School of Chemistry
54124, Thessaloniki
Professor Dr S. Sotiropoulos has more than 25 years experience in electrochemistry. He received his BSc in Chemistry (Aristotle University) in 1989 and his PhD in Electrochemistry (Southampton University) in 1994. Following postdoctoral periods in Cambridge, UK and Johns Hopkins, US, he was appointed a Lecturer in Nottingham University, UK (1996-2000) and from 2000 he moved to Aristotle University, Greece, where he is now Professor of Electrochemistry. He is the author of more than 100 refereed journal publications that have received more than 300 citations. He has supervised 15 PhD theses in the UK and Greece. He has participated or directed 20 Greek, UK or International Research Projects. His research interests include: preparation and characterization of electrocatalysts and photo-elelectrocatalysts; microelectrodes; sensor materials and designs; electrocatalysis (for fuel cell-related reactions and hydrogen production); photoelectrocatalysis for environmental applications, AFM and SECM. He is an Editor for Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier).