Trogadas Panagiotis

Trogadas Panagiotis

Assistant Professor

Physical Chemistry Laboratory
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Sciences,
School of Chemistry
54124, Thessaloniki

Panagiotis Trogadas is Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at AUTh and Visiting Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at UCL (University College London). He received his diploma in Chemical Engineering from National Technical University of Athens and PhD in Chemical Engineering with scholarship from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago (Prof. Vijay Ramani) on the subject “Degradation mitigation in polymer electrolyte fuel cells”. He has extensive experience in the engineering of electrochemical devices for energy conversion and storage. Throughout his postdoctoral career, he worked in some of the foremost electrochemistry labs in the world (Georgia Institute of Technology (Prof. Tom Fuller), Technical University Berlin (Prof. Peter Strasser)).

During 2014-2024 he was working as Assistant Research Professor (tenured) in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Centre for Nature-Inspired Engineering (Prof. Marc-Olivier Coppens) at UCL. His research was based on the exploration of nature-inspired electrochemical components, devices and systems. The structure and function of human lung was used as a guide for the design of lung-inspired flow-fields for PEMFCs achieving uniform distribution of reactant across the catalysts layer and significantly increasing the performance of the PEMFC. The long-standing issue of flooding in PEMFCs at very high relative humidity (100% RH) was solved via thorough examination of the water drinking mechanism of specific lizards residing in the desert, which is based on passive water transport through guided capillary action. As a result, the lizard inspired flow-field based PEMFC demonstrates stable, flood-free performance at very high relative humidity.  His research is published in high-impact journals and has received many awards.

He serves as Expert Reviewer in National Research Foundations (USA, UK, Switzerland, Germany, Hong Kong) and high-impact journals. He is also organizer of “Nature-inspired electrochemical systems” sessions at international conferences and delivered numerous keynote lectures on this topic.

Research interests:

Nature-inspired electrocatalysts and electrochemical systems.

Nature-inspired scale-up of electrochemical devices.

Pulsed electrolysis devices (Η2Ο και CO2).

Marangoni effect on electrolysis devices.

Additive manufacturing.

Machine learning for electrochemical systems.

Bioinspired leaching and transformation for battery recycling.

Electrochemical sensors for medical diagnosis.