Σας αποστέλλουμε το παρόν μήνυμα, εκ μέρους του ελληνικού κόμβου του METROFOOD-GR, με σκοπό την διάχυση της πληροφορίας όσον αφορά την διεξαγωγή διαδικτυακού σεμιναρίου με ευρύτερο θέμα την “Μετρολογία στα τρόφιμα”, το οποίο θα λάβει χώρα στις 10-13 Φεβρουαρίου.
Προθεσμία εγγραφής: 5 Φεβρουαρίου
Invitation to Virtual Stakeholder Workshop of the CCQM-TG-FOOD on Evolving needs in metrology: Metrology for food and food safety 10-13 February 2025
Dear CIPM President, CC Presidents, Executive Secretaries, WG and TG Chairs,
I would like to draw your attention to an upcoming event organized by the CCQM Task Group on Food Measurement (CCQM-TG-FOOD), in collaboration with other Consultative Committees active in the food measurement sector.
We are pleased to announce a “Virtual Stakeholder Workshop” on “Evolving Needs in Metrology – Metrology for Food and Food Safety” scheduled to take place from 10-13 February 2025.
The forward-looking workshop aims to gain a deeper understanding of the future metrological and measurement needs and challenges faced by stakeholders in the food production industries and regulatory agencies.
We would like to express our gratitude to all colleagues for their contributions in identifying speakers and helping to organize this important event.
Please find the first circular attached, which contains details on the workshop’s objectives, draft agenda, and registration link.
The event is open to all relevant stakeholders, and we encourage you to circulate this announcement to your CCs, WGs and any other interested parties who may wish to contribute to the discussions.
Registration link: https://bipm-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMocO6pqT0qGd2xrkxRkSBRqRANb8eJHdDg#/registration
Registration deadline: 5 February 2025
For further information about CCQM-TG-FOOD, please visit:
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly.
Kind regards,
Secretary of CCQM-TG-FOOD on behalf of the Organizing Committee
Principal Chemist
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures – BIPM
Pavillon de Breteuil, 92312 Sèvres Cedex (France)
Phone + 33 (0)1 45 07 70 55
Web www.bipm.org
Email ralf.josephs@bipm.org
Stakeholder Workshop CCQM TG FOOD First Circular Announcement